Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bacon Cheese from Reeds!

And this my friends is num yummier than any fast food you get from a big chain store and cheaper too! 

Hello All

     I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Jen Walters. I am a food junkie and when I travel I search for the best food I can experience. I enjoy cooking and making new recipes. I love when people love to eat my food! Makes me feel accomplished. I would love to open a restaurant someday, my only concern is that I would eat too much of it lol.
     I am married for almost 3 years now. Not the perfect marriage but who can say they have a perfect marriage really? I love my husband and enjoy spending quality time with him. If there was one thing I could change about us, it would be our past, as I'm sure he would say the same. I have gained three very smart and handsome sons and we are hoping to have one or five together as well :).
     This blog will mostly be about some delicious food that I have discovered and maybe some rants here and there, so please bare with me.